Sunday 2 October 2011

The Fastest Proven Weight Loss – Is it Safe?

In this day and age everyone wants every thing right now. Now one has the time to slow down and enjoy the finer things in life. In our fast paced world, weight loss programs are not safe from the high demand for fast weight loss.

Most individuals have a very busy schedule and do not have enough available time to devote to a regular diet and exercise program, therefore there is an elevated demand the fastest proven weight loss programs.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

It has been proven through many studies that a regular exercise routine can improve the overall mental health of a person. Many people involved in these studies reported they felt more at ease with themselves, happier and less stressed than they were prior to the study.

The fastest way for you or anyone to lose weight is to incorporate a workout routine that is going to burn a large amount of calories in a short period of time. Generally, these types of workouts are high in intensity and are not recommended for the beginner.

Difficult workout routines need to be approved by the medical doctor. It is important that you are overall healthy enough to be able to workout without causing more harm than good to yourself.

High intense workouts will burn the calories you have consumed throughout the day and then begin burning the fat that has made its home on your body. These workouts do not generally target one area of the body, instead they work on multiple areas at the same time for a higher calorie burning outcome.

Losing weight fast require a different type of motivation and workout. It is important that you are aware of how difficult it can be to lose weight fast. Not only does this type of weight loss take its toll on the body but can also negatively effect the mental health of the individual. You have to be strong, not physically but emotionally in order to be successful at fast weight loss.

The fastest proven weight loss system is one that incorporates a vigorous exercise workout and a healthy dietary regimen as well. Basically, you will need to be burning a substantial amount of calories on a daily basis to drop drastic amounts of weight in a short period of time.

This can be hazardous to your health and mentally straining. It is strongly suggested that a person begin with a light to moderate diet and exercise combination and gradually lose the weight.


Fresh Fruits and Vegetables – The Right Way for Weight Loss


There are many ways to lose weight, be it a dieting process or regular workouts supported with weight loss supplements. The right way for your weight loss depends on two main factors: your mind set and the balanced diet.

Making up one’s mind with positive energy on losing weight is essential to support the weight loss plans.

Some of the activities that lead to over weight are lack of balanced diet with needful nutrients, fewer activities with respect to eating habits, intake of more fatty and oily junk foods, no regular exercise and proper body health maintenance.

Discover how you can cut your exercise time in half and burn fat 300% faster.

As some of the weight loss supplements are more focused on selling their products, it is no reliable to rely on the artificial sources when we are gifted with natural support from fruits and vegetable with richness of energy.

Fruits and Vegetable to fight heaviness

Our body needs high protein diet to keep up health and fitness to cope with today’s world. Fresh colorful fruits and vegetables on daily basis help in reducing your weight without more struggles as it contains adequate anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber contents to boost your energy level and stamina.

Acai berry, strawberry, pomegranate, peach, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, melons, apricot and grape fruit are the main fruits that are focused on weight loss.Mixed form of vegetables taken with meals acts as the best source to reduce weight rapidly. Broccoli and spinach (folate, vitamin B), cabbage (vitamin A and fiber), collard greens, cucumber, tomatoes and Pepper (vitamin C improves immune system), Eggplant (anti-oxidant content supporting the immune system), carrot (reduces risk of heart), mushroom and onions (anthoxanthins and allicin controls blood pressure)

Over cooking reduces the nutrients, preferably steam your vegetables and use little flavor of spices to add taste for a better nutritive stuff. A cup of fresh vegetable and fruit salads in the morning-breakfast and evening-tea time can helps you to get the adequate energy and keeps up well balanced nutrients.

Strenuous effort to lose weight can now be handled effectively by packing your meal with complete natural source of energy – fresh green vegetable in meal! Yoga for weight loss is an excellent choice to adhere with, as it not only strengthens body but stimulates the internal energy from within to keep you active through out the day.


Saturday 1 October 2011

Weight Loss Sabotage

If you’re stuck in a weight loss plan and not making any progress or just not seeing the results as fast as you think you should be seeing then you will want to check out this list of factors which are most likely the cause of weight loss sabotage.
The first step you’ll want to take is to let go of the guilt or disappointment you feel if you’ve been trying your hardest with losing weight. The only place this will take you is down.
Now we’ll want to turn it around and focus on the positive, a great way to do this is to think about how good you are going to feel when you reach your goal. Envision that moment and stick with me on these tips…
Weight Loss Sabotage Tip #1
You might not like this one but you’re going to see huge changes with this recommendation. Take out alcohol for the next several weeks and notice the difference it makes especially with your midsection.
The problem with alcohol is not only that it is empty calories with no nutrients but also it takes a serious hit on your metabolism and causes you to store fat rather than burn it.
On top of that our will power gets shot and we tend to eat junk foods we normally wouldn’t otherwise eat so it can definitely be a huge weight loss sabotage factor.
Next time you’re faced with a drink go for a cranberry soda or soda with mint and cucumber and you will feel much better the next day for it.
Weight Loss Sabotage Tip #2
This second tip goes quite a far way because as much as I’m a personal fan of dairy, unfortunately most dairy products like cheese, yogurt, ice cream, frozen yogurt are all connected with unwanted calories (usually in the form of sugar or fat) that make a huge dent in our plan to lose weight.
The smart approach with dairy is is to go for low-fat cottage cheese or whey protein since then you are providing your muscles with lean protein which is the most effective for creating great muscle tone. For a very low calorie but high quality and good tasting protein go for Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion or Optimum 100% Natural Whey.
Weight Loss Sabotage Tip #3
For a while when I tried to cut down on the junk foods one area I didn’t cut down on was sauces. Unfortunately most sauces like ketchup and salad dressings have a ton of oils, sugars and other sabotaging weight loss ingredients.
The tricky part with lots of salad dressings that are fat-free is that they instead have a lot of carbs in the worst form (read my article on How to Read Nutrition Facts Labels).
Weight Loss Sabotage Tip #4
This is probably the biggest saboteur of your weight loss plan and it’s definitely one that has all to do with planning – skipping meals. You simply have to put your foot down with this one and make sure that no matter what you are getting in at the minimum 3 meals each day.
Obviously a lot of us can’t do 5-7 meals a day as it can be tricky with work and running around all the time, but we can and must do 3 meals with 2 hearty snacks like protein smoothies, fruits or nuts.
Weight Loss Sabotage Tip #5
I saved the easiest one for last and that is all about coffee. I know latte’s and mocha’s taste good and give us a boost but the sugar and cream that goes into these drinks can account upwards of 600 calories especially if we have more than one in a day.
I’m not saying don’t have it but at least make sure to have skim milk and use a natural zero-calorie sweetner like stevia to save yourself the grief of a boat load of unwanted calories.

Friday 30 September 2011

Motivational Tips for Weight Loss

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When it comes to losing weight and training it’s pretty normal for you always be struggling with motivation especially when your are being seriously challenged with your time management and/or stress levels.
That is why this article is geared for providing you with outside-the-box motivational tips that will get you seeing fat-busting results as fast as possible.
As always, for you to have these results work wonders you will need to not only have a positive outlook but be determined to do whatever it takes to make it work exclusively for you.
Read on to see what I mean…
Motivational Tips for Weight Loss: More Than Determination
I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I want to share with you an epiphany I had the other day that I truly believe you can all benefit from so if you really focus on reading any part of this article make sure it is this one.
Even as immersed as I am in the health field for the past 19+ years I’d see photos of men and even women who were completely ripped and thought how amazing it was for them to reach that level, but at the same time a ton of excuses came to me of why I couldn’t.
These excuses included: genetics, the fact that I was sitting on my butt for most of the day (studying or working in front of the computer), inadequate experience in training, having the perfect diet, problems sleeping, slow muscle recovery and so many more.
Genetics is one of the biggest excuses and probably the easiest scapegoat and even though it is VERY true, I’ve also read about some of the most successful athletes, bodybuilders and elite fitness pros who have persevered despite being too short or just not having a naturally high metabolism.
So what what is it that made them successful? This is what I mean by needing more than just determination to succeed. You need a smart game plan and willpower to overcome your greatest weaknesses.
This means that you will be in some way in an uncomfortable space, but as a wise personal life-coach once taught me, it is in this uncomfortable zone that we as humans evolve.
Read the sentence above again and think about how it has been true in your life. Remember those times in your life when you were most challenged with work, school, relationships and social life and how overcoming that discomfort made you a smarter and more powerful version of yourself.
Now with this mentality in mind, my epiphany was that the same principal lies with succeeding with weight loss and training in all aspects. Yes, it will be a tough time for a period of time, but once you persevere you in essence have created a newer and better version of yourself.
So how do we put this all into action?
Motivational Tips for Weight Loss: Your Nutrition Plan
First things first. You need a plan of action. Start off with your diet plan, and by diet I just mean your healthy nutrition plan. Make a weekly schedule of what you will eat and when, then go out and by the groceries so you have no excuses of missing what you really need. No idea what to buy?
I have three excellent lists broken down by proteins, carbs and healthy fats:
To add to this I would include at least the top 4 or 5 supplements in these lists to make sure you are getting all your daily essentials:

Nutrition Tips for Losing Weight

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There’s a lot of information floating around out there about dieting and weight loss.

All of this information can seem confusing and sometimes overwhelming.

What should you eat? How much should you eat? And how frequently?

When it comes down to it, it’s best to keep things simple. Ditch the fad diets and adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes the right nutrition. Combined with exercise, you’ll be on your way to losing weight in no time.

Get started now with these nutrition tips for losing weight…

Nutrition Tips for Losing Weight: More Leafy Greens

We all know the benefits of a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. But there are some options that are better than others. Some of the most nutrient rich options include leafy greens (the organic spring mix is great), spinach, berries, and broccoli.

Avoid too many starchy vegetables such as corn, potatoes, peas, and carrots. Starchy foods digest more quickly and raise blood glucose levels, leading to more feelings of hunger shortly thereafter.

Nutrition Tips for Losing Weight: Whole Grains Only, No Exceptions

One of the most effective changes you can make to your diet is to cut out white flour and other bleached/processed grains (such as rice). There are many benefits to whole grains: they a higher nutritional value, are higher in protein and fiber, and it will keep you feeling full for longer.

White flour is higher in calories and causes your blood glucose level to spike, throwing your system off and leaving you wanting more. Whole wheat is better than white, but if you can, go whole grain (check your labels). This is the least processed option.

Cutting carbohydrates in general is also a good option for weight loss, but be sure to maintain a balanced diet. Do not cut carbs completely. Simply reduce your intake to 2 or 3 servings a day. If you need help with controlling your cravings you may want to try the highly effective and reviewed USPlabs OxyELITE Pro or the all-natural Revolution Thermogenic Push

Nutrition Tips for Losing Weight: Increase Your Protein

Protein keeps you full for longer, and also contributes to the maintenance and growth of muscles. It is recommended that you get about 20 to 25 grams of protein per meal, but also try to include protein in your snacks.

A natural whey protein supplement is a great option for ensuring adequate amounts of protein. These can be taken with meals or as a snack, and will help keep you satisfied. Try Optimum 100% Natural Whey or the best tasting whey in the market – Gaspari Nutrition Myofusion.

Nutrition Tips for Losing Weight: Cut the Sugar, Fat, and Sodium

This one’s a given, but it can’t be overstated. We are constantly bombarded with meal options that are high in sugars, fats, and salt. All of these things will contribute significantly to weight gain and hinder your weight loss efforts.

Check the labels – go for options that are lower in fat and sugar and avoid sodium content that is over 15% of your recommended daily value. If you want to know how to read labels better make sure to read my article Nutrition Facts Label: How to Read.

Nutrition Tips for Losing Weight: Eat Often

Eating smaller meals more frequently is a very effective step towards losing weight. This will help keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent frequent bursts of hunger.

It will also keep your metabolism from slowing down, which means more fat burned. Natural energy and protein bars are a great snacking option and will help keep you full for longer. Try Supreme Protein Carb Conscious Bars or an organic alternative would be the Organic Food Bar.

Thursday 29 September 2011

3 Quick Weight Loss Tips

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I know, I know, you’ve heard it all before but I still get the most common question which is “how do I go about losing just 5-10lbs as quick as possible?”.

The truth is you can do it in a variety of different ways, but the one thing to remember is that your body adapts quickly to whatever stresses you put on it so having variety is key.

These 3 quick weight loss tips put together create a different combination to unlock your results especially if you need them right now!

Let’s go…

Quick Weight Loss Tips #1

This one can make all the difference in the world and you definitely should not underestimate how much of an impact in can have on your fat loss results. It is all about stress reduction!

The reason stress is a cause of weight gain is because it causes your body to release stress hormones which wreak havoc on our internal systems. These hormones also lead us to have cravings for fatty and sugary foods. But how does it do this?

The truth is that our body is always trying to balance itself so when we have stress it wants to counter-balance this and fatty and sugary foods tend to cause a release of the hormone dopamine which is linked with the euphoric feeling we get from eating these foods.

In other words, when we feel bad our body craves that good feeling and one quick and easy way to do this is by causing us to crave the junk.

So think about ways that you can reduce the stress in your life, whether it be in your social or work environment, do whatever it takes to allow you the easiest path to losing weight loss quickly.

Some ideas include doing yoga, or even resistance training, but you’ve probably already found that a good nights sleep really helps with allowing you to handle stress easier. There are some great natural sleep enhancers that I would recommend including Shut-Eye or Muscle Pharm Bullet Proof.

Quick Weight Loss Tips #2

This one might be controversial for some but it does work. Make sure to include low-fat dairy products in your diet and especially in the mornings. By the way, if you are lactose intolerant, keep reading as I have some suggestions to battle that.

The problem is that dairy products have been given a lot of uneducated media people, but the fact is that the calcium, vitamin D and protein we get from dairy products is very readily absorbed by our digestive system.

Of course if you can afford it choosing organic varieties is the better choice, but otherwise the calcium and vitamin D in dairy products has been shown to help people lose weight.

So what if you’re lactose intolerant or want an alternative? Regardless I would suggest making sure you include a lactose free whey protein like Optimum Platinum Hydrowhey as well as a Vitamin D supplement such as the highly rated & affordable NOW Vitamin D.

Quick Weight Loss Tips #3

The third tip is really focused on finding ways to boost your metabolism. Two of the easiest ways is by drinking green tea and/or including spicy red peppers or cayenne pepper in your meals.

These two have a great ability to boost your metabolism and cause you to burn fat for energy hence why they are the primary ingredients in a lot of weight loss supplements such as stimulant-free Cellucor T7 Extreme or highly rated Revolution Thermogenic Push. Alternatively you can go with a pure green tea extract like NOW Green Tea Extract

These are quite easy to implement in your daily diet so why not right?

3 Quick Weight Loss Tips: Conclusion

You might be surprised that all these 3 tips are focused on the diet component but the truth really is that the healthy diet game is the biggest part of the battle in quick weight loss. That’s not to say you can sit on your ass all day and still get these to help you lose weight quick, but you can definitely reference the hundreds of workouts readily available to you in the workouts and training section of the website.




Wednesday 28 September 2011

Fat Loss Weight Training

By now you may have tried quite a few different weight training programs and perhaps you have picked one from the workouts and training section of the site, but now you want to accelerate your fat loss even further.
The cool thing about this fat loss weight training plan is that you can either place it into your favorite exercise plan or make it your entire plan and run through it 3 times a week and just add some other cardio/yoga/swimming on your other days to keep your metabolism accelerated.
One thing I want you to consider is that this is quite intense so start at your own pace with the maximum number of reps you can do now and build up, but otherwise the program is very simple to follow. I’m going to provide alternate exercises for those of you who want to do this at home so minimal equipment is needed.
Ready for it? Let’s go!
Fat Loss Weight Training Program
This is a circuit style workout which means you run through all the exercises back to back with minimal rest (no longer than 30 seconds). After you have done them all, take a one minute break, drink some water and repeat another 2 times.
If you’re doing this circuit at home you will need a stability ball like Xercise Ball Package, some resistance cables instead of weights like Adjustable Resistance Toning Tubes, a balance trainer instead of a bosu ball like Harbinger Balance Trainer, and a high quality jumping rope like LCD Digital Jump Rope .
5 minutes jumping rope
20 burpees as fast as you can (view exercise)
12 push-ups on bosu ball (view exercise) or alternatively with balance trainer.
7 reps each side russian twist (view exercise)
7 reps each side reverse lunge (view exercise)
15 squats on bosu ball (view exercise) or alternatively on one foot
15 shoulder presses with dumbbells (view exercise)
12 bicep curls with dumbbells (view exercise) or alternatively with resistance tubes
12 stability ball back extensions (view exercise)
30 seconds plank on stability ball (view exercise)
5 minutes jumping rope as fast as you can
There you have it, 9 exercises sandwiched by one of the best cardio exercises on the planet – jumping rope! This should be intense enough for even the most advanced of you out there as remember your goal is to try and do each exercise one after another without resting.
If you do this fat loss weight training program more than once a week then I would highly recommend you include these post-workout recovery supplements to help you from burning out and losing all the progress.