Friday 30 September 2011

Motivational Tips for Weight Loss

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When it comes to losing weight and training it’s pretty normal for you always be struggling with motivation especially when your are being seriously challenged with your time management and/or stress levels.
That is why this article is geared for providing you with outside-the-box motivational tips that will get you seeing fat-busting results as fast as possible.
As always, for you to have these results work wonders you will need to not only have a positive outlook but be determined to do whatever it takes to make it work exclusively for you.
Read on to see what I mean…
Motivational Tips for Weight Loss: More Than Determination
I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I want to share with you an epiphany I had the other day that I truly believe you can all benefit from so if you really focus on reading any part of this article make sure it is this one.
Even as immersed as I am in the health field for the past 19+ years I’d see photos of men and even women who were completely ripped and thought how amazing it was for them to reach that level, but at the same time a ton of excuses came to me of why I couldn’t.
These excuses included: genetics, the fact that I was sitting on my butt for most of the day (studying or working in front of the computer), inadequate experience in training, having the perfect diet, problems sleeping, slow muscle recovery and so many more.
Genetics is one of the biggest excuses and probably the easiest scapegoat and even though it is VERY true, I’ve also read about some of the most successful athletes, bodybuilders and elite fitness pros who have persevered despite being too short or just not having a naturally high metabolism.
So what what is it that made them successful? This is what I mean by needing more than just determination to succeed. You need a smart game plan and willpower to overcome your greatest weaknesses.
This means that you will be in some way in an uncomfortable space, but as a wise personal life-coach once taught me, it is in this uncomfortable zone that we as humans evolve.
Read the sentence above again and think about how it has been true in your life. Remember those times in your life when you were most challenged with work, school, relationships and social life and how overcoming that discomfort made you a smarter and more powerful version of yourself.
Now with this mentality in mind, my epiphany was that the same principal lies with succeeding with weight loss and training in all aspects. Yes, it will be a tough time for a period of time, but once you persevere you in essence have created a newer and better version of yourself.
So how do we put this all into action?
Motivational Tips for Weight Loss: Your Nutrition Plan
First things first. You need a plan of action. Start off with your diet plan, and by diet I just mean your healthy nutrition plan. Make a weekly schedule of what you will eat and when, then go out and by the groceries so you have no excuses of missing what you really need. No idea what to buy?
I have three excellent lists broken down by proteins, carbs and healthy fats:
To add to this I would include at least the top 4 or 5 supplements in these lists to make sure you are getting all your daily essentials:

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